Y Busnes | The Business

Milltir Sgwar - Canhwyllau


Pam Milltir Sgwâr?

Mae sawl person wedi gofyn - pam wnaethoch chi benderfynu dechrau cwmni canhwyllau?

Yr ateb byr yw - COVID-19

Roedd Llŷr ar ‘furlough’ am gyfnod o'i waith ac roedd yn ei chael hi'n anodd gwybod beth i'w wneud gyda'i holl amser sbâr.

Dyw e ddim y math o berson sy'n gallu ymlacio a mwynhau cyfnod i ffwrdd o'r gwaith, felly roedd angen rhywbeth arno i lenwi’i amser.

Cymerodd ei feic i ddarnau a'i roi yn ôl at ei gilydd; tynnu’r drysau oddi ar bob ystafell yn y tŷ, a’u paentio; a darllen llwyth o lyfrau - roedd hyn i gyd yn ystod ei wythnos gyntaf o furlough!

Doedd gan neb syniad pa mor hir y bydd y cyfnod clo’n para, a phryd y byddai Llŷr yn dychwelyd i'r gwaith. Felly dechreuon ni edrych i weld beth y gallai ei wneud yn y tymor byr i lenwi ei amser ... ac efallai ennill ychydig o arian ychwanegol!

Fe wnaethon ni agor potel o win, eistedd, sgwrsio a creu ‘Milltir Sgwâr’ - canhwyllau persawrus yn seiliedig ar leoliadau Cymreig.

Roedd hi’n teimlo fel syniad da.

Felly, aethon ni amdani.

Fe wnaeth y ddau ohonom fuddsoddi rhywfaint o arian; profi llwyth o wahanol gyfuniadau persawr / cwyr; a darllen i fyny ar sut i redeg busnes.

Hwn oedd un o gyfnodau mwyaf brawychus a mwyaf cyffrous o’n bywydau ni!

Neidio i'r anhysbys.

Ac mae wedi bod yn ‘nyts’ ers hynny! Darllenwch mwy fan hyn


Why Milltir Sgwar?

We often get asked why did you decide to start a candle company?

Long story short – COVID-19

Llyr was furloughed for a period from work and was struggling to know what to do with all his spare time.

He isn’t the type of person who can relax and enjoy a period off work, so need something to get his teeth into.

He took his bike apart and put it back together; took the doors off every room in the house, sanded them and painted them; and read some books – this was all in the first week or so of furlough!

We didn’t know how long the lockdown was going to last, and when Llyr would be returning to work. So we started looking into what he could do in the short and medium term to fill his time… and maybe bring in a bit of cash!

We did a mind map and came up with the idea of ‘Milltir Sgwar’ - scented candles based on Welsh locations.

We thought it had legs.

So, we went for it.

We both invested some money, tested dozens of different fragrance/wax blends; and read up on how to run a business.

This was arguably the scariest and most exciting thing we’d ever done.

A leap into the unknown.

And it’s been a whirlwind ever since!


A quote I came across on Instagram by Abraham Maslow captures how we felt perfectly:  

‘In any given moment you have two options: to step forward into the unknown or step back into safety’

We decided to take the leap.

Read more about our company's goal here