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Cwmni bach annibynnol sy’n creu canhwyllau unigrhyw yw Milltir Sgwâr.
Rydw i (Llinos) a fy nghariad Llŷr yn byw yn Nhrelluest (Grangetown), Caerdydd. dysgwch mwy amdano'n ni fan hyn. Rydyn ni wastad wedi cael breuddwyd o sefydlu cwmni creu canhwyllau ond oherwydd pwysau gwaith a bywyd prysur yn y ddinas, doedden ni erioed wedi cael cyfle i droi’r freuddwyd yn realiti. Newidodd popeth ar ddechrau cyfnod clo 2020 pan ddaeth saib ar fywyd ac fe gawson ni’r cyfle arbennig i ddatblygu’n syniadau a’u troi yn realiti!
Ar ôl treulio amser hir y cyfnod clo ymhell o’n cartrefi yn hiraethu am ein teuluoedd, fe ddaeth yn amlwg pa mor bwysig oedd ein Milltir Sgwâr i ni fel cwpwl. Gyda hynny, penderfynon ni greu canhwyllau gan ddefnyddio arogleuon sy’n ein hatgoffa ni o’r llefydd sy’n bwysig i ni ac yn ein hatgoffa o anuriaethau arbennig.
Rydw i (Llinos) yn wreiddiol o Frynmawr (wyddoch chi mai Brynmawr yw tref uchaf Cymru?!). Wrth i mi ystyried beth oedd yn fy atgoffa i o’n Milltir Sgwâr daeth arogl Mêl a Thybaco i feddwl. Mae’n arogl sydd yn cynrychioli hanes diwydiannol y rhanbarth tra hefyd yn cydnabod natur bywyd gwyllt unigryw yr ardal. Efallai eich bod yn wyliadwrus o gael cannwyll sy’n arogi fel tybaco yn eich cartref ond wir, mae ganddi arogl moethus ac wrth gwrs, hon yw fy ffefryn i!
Cafodd Llŷr ei fagu ym mhentref Llannon ger Llanelli ac yn wir i’w wreiddiau mae’n gefnogwr brwd o'r Scarlets! Roedd felly’n benderfynol mai coch oedd rhaid i logo cannwyll Sir Gar fod er mwyn adlewyrchu ei ymrwymiad i dîm ei Filltir Sgwâr. I ddweud y gwir, nid oes rheswm gwirioneddol pam ddewison ni Pomagranad ar gyfer Sir Gar heblaw fod ei arogl clyd yn llenwi’r ystafell yn anhygoel.
Bellach, rydym wedi ymgartrefu yn Grangetown, Caerdydd. Mae’r ddau ohonom yn dwlu ar fynd am dro o gwmpas y Brifddinas ac yn aml yn crwydro tuag at yr Ardd Ddirgel ym Mharc Bute sydd yng nghanol Caerdydd. Felly, ystyriwyd bod arogl blodeuog Peony a Blush yn berffaith i hel atgofion am ein hanturiaethau o amgylch y parc.
Gwnaethom ffocysu ar liwiau ‘pastel’ meddal ar gyfer y labeli. Lliwiau deiniadol, modern fydd yn edrych yn wych ar eich lle tân. Bydd y persawr yn eich atgoffa chi o'ch Milltir Sgwâr neu o daith cofiadwy o gwmpas Cymru. Er enghraifft, bydd arogl Fanila a Grawnffrwyth Pinc yn eich atgoffa o daith arbennig i draeth y Mwmblws lle cawsoch hufen iâ Joe’s blasus a cherdded ar hyd y promenâd. Neu, i gofio am eich ymweliad â Llandeilo a chael un (neu ddau!) G&T digywilydd yn y Gin House. Mae gan bob cannwyll arogl anhygoel sy’n llenwi’r tŷ â chysur, gan eich hatgoffa chi o’ch Milltir Sgwâr arbennig chi.
Milltir Sgwâr is a small independent company set up by my partner Llŷr and myself (Llinos) in Grangetown, Cardiff. It was always a dream of ours to start a small unique candle business however, due to our busy careers and a hectic lifestyle it was difficult to find the time to make the dream a reality. Everything changed with the 2020 lockdown when the world paused and we had the special opportunity to bring our ideas to life.
After spending time away from our family and homes during the lockdown period it became apparent to us how important our roots are. With much thought we decided to base our candles on the places that bring back fantastic memories, and the areas that are important to us. We have used fragrances that we adore and that are relevant to specific areas of our motherland, Wales. In Welsh the areas and destinations that are important to you are often referred to as your ‘Milltir Sgwâr’ – your ‘square mile’ - hence the name of the company. The Welsh phrase has more depth than an area of one mile by one mile; it’s your home patch; your stomping ground; your home from home, sense of self, identity and heritage – it's whatever makes you, you.
I (Llinos) am originally from Brynmawr in the valleys (did you know that Brynmawr is the highest town in Wales?!) and wanted a fragrance that reminded me of my home. Honey and Tobacco is an earthy scent which represents the industrial history of the region whilst also acknowledging the rolling green hills and unique wildlife in the area. You may be wary to have a candle smelling of tobacco in your home, but believe me it has a luxurious smell that is of course my favourite.
Llŷr raised in Llannon, Llanelli, is true to his roots and is an avid Scarlets fan, so was determined that the Sir Gar candle represented his home team - scarlet red. We’d love to say there is a really meaningful reason for having the Pomegranate fragrance for Sir Gar, however, we simply chose the scent because it wonderfully fills your home with a cosy warmth.
Now settled in Grangetown, Cardiff, we often go for walks around Bute Park, bypassing the Secret Garden which is a walled garden within the heart of Bute Park, a facility used for cross pollinating and growing plants. As such, a flowery scent such as Peony and Blush was considered perfect to reminisce about these adventures around Bute Park.
We have used a pastel colour palette that will look good on your mantelpiece and fragrances that will remind you of your home turf or favourite trip destination. For instance, Vanilla and Grapefruit will hopefully make you reminisce of a trip to mumbles beach where you had a delicious scoop of Joe's Ice-Cream and walked along the promenade, or when you visited Llandeilo and had a cheeky G&T (or two!) at the Gin House. Every Millttir Sgwâr candle has a fantastic fragrance that will fill your home with comfort, reminding you of your special location.