Magnus Maximus | Magnis Maximus
Roedd Magnus Maximus yn Ymerawdwr Rhufeinig a chwaraeodd ran allweddol yn amddiffyn Cymru yn ystod diwedd yr 4ydd ganrif. Sefydlodd Maximus ei hun yng Nghaernarfon, er mwyn amddiffyn y rhanbarth rhag bygythion allanol… gan adael effaith parhaol ar ein hanes. Mae straeon o Maximus wedi ysbrydoli’r cannwyll cryf gwrywaidd yma.
Cyfuniad o nodyn daearol a ffrwythlon gyda nodyn sitrws ysgafn wedi’i gymysgu â betgamot.
Magnus Maximus, a Roman general and Emperor, played a pivotal role in safeguarding Wales during the late 4th century. Establishing his base in Caernarfon, he defended the region from external threats, leaving a lasting impact on its history. Inspired by his legacy, a candle reminiscent of the masculine strength he embodied could capture the essence of Caernarfon. A blend of rugged earthy notes and subtle hints of bergamot, invoking the ancient landscapes he defended, create a captivating scent that pays homage to Magnus Maximus and his role in protecting Wales.