Now offering Free Delivery for all orders over £15 – and we have updated our Discount Codes!
We’re now offering free delivery on all orders over £15 and we've updated our Discount Codes!
You’ll also note that we have altered our pricing… so long story short, not much has changed as we have incorporated the £3.50 charge for shipping into the price of the product.
Why have we done this? There are two main reasons:
- The first reason is to do with our website, as it doesn’t currently have the functionality to provide different shipping rates for different products. As such, we decided to remove the shipping rates altogether to make it simpler for you and for us!
- Everyone loves Free Shipping! Jeff Bezos (Amazon’s owner) amongst others have proven that people are less likely to abandon the cart (i.e. not go through with the payment) if there’s free shipping.
We hope that this has explained our reasoning however if you have any concerns please let us know by emailing us!
We have also updated our Discount Codes so please view these at the top of this page and make sure to apply them at checkout!
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